Beaufort County
General Fund
Revenues and Expenditures
Budget vs Actual
For The Six Months Ended
December 31, 2005
Current Year Current Year Current Prior Year
Budget Actual Year Actual
(12 months) (6 months) % (6 months)
Property Taxes 49,561,175 26,177,759 52.82% 24,173,852
Licenses and Permits 3,071,863 2,068,478 67.34% 1,367,183
Intergovernmental 6,192,146 3,026,542 48.88% 2,933,512
Charges for Services 10,273,055 6,326,597 61.58% 5,641,264
Fines and Foreitures 1,116,500 528,746 47.36% 390,014
Interest 205,000 61,259 29.88% 43,545
Miscellaneous 217,600 191,187 87.86% 72,138
Total Revenues 70,637,339 38,380,568 54.33% 34,621,508
General Government 18,899,037 8,459,617 44.76% 8,090,483
Public Safety 33,399,966 15,317,654 45.86% 14,022,679
Public Works 8,726,956 3,804,522 43.60% 3,535,119
Public Health 2,647,936 1,369,272 51.71% 1,159,191
Public Welfare 746,072 341,097 45.72% 305,182
Cultural and Recreation 7,511,418 3,613,656 48.11% 3,443,792
Total Expenditures 71,931,385 32,905,818 45.75% 30,556,446
Excess Revenues over Expenditrues (1,294,046) 5,474,750 4,065,062
Other Financing Sources
Transfers in 448,750 235,888 52.57% 32,939
Transfers out (1,829,444) (904,222) 49.43% (740,672)
Total Other Financing Sources (1,380,694) (668,334) 48.41% (707,733)
Excess Revenues and Other Sources
Over Expenditures and Other Uses (2,674,740) 4,806,416 3,357,329
Fund Balance July 1, 2005 11,732,874 11,732,874
Projected Fund Balance June 30, 2006 9,058,134 16,539,290
*prior year restated to include PALS for better comparison

FY2005 Revenues & Expenditures 12-31-2005

Beaufort County
General Fund
Revenues and Expenditures
Budget vs Actual
For The Six Months Ended
December 31, 2005
Current Year Current Year Current Prior Year
Budget Actual Year Actual
(12 months) (6 months) % (6 months)
Property Taxes 49,561,175 26,177,759 52.82% 24,173,852
Licenses and Permits 3,071,863 2,068,478 67.34% 1,367,183
Intergovernmental 6,192,146 3,026,542 48.88% 2,933,512
Charges for Services 10,273,055 6,326,597 61.58% 5,641,264
Fines and Foreitures 1,116,500 528,746 47.36% 390,014
Interest 205,000 61,259 29.88% 43,545
Miscellaneous 217,600 191,187 87.86% 72,138
Total Revenues 70,637,339 38,380,568 54.33% 34,621,508
General Government 18,899,037 8,459,617 44.76% 8,090,483
Public Safety 33,399,966 15,317,654 45.86% 14,022,679
Public Works 8,726,956 3,804,522 43.60% 3,535,119
Public Health 2,647,936 1,369,272 51.71% 1,159,191
Public Welfare 746,072 341,097 45.72% 305,182
Cultural and Recreation 7,511,418 3,613,656 48.11% 3,443,792
Total Expenditures 71,931,385 32,905,818 45.75% 30,556,446
Excess Revenues over Expenditrues (1,294,046) 5,474,750 4,065,062
Other Financing Sources
Transfers in 448,750 235,888 52.57% 32,939
Transfers out (1,829,444) (904,222) 49.43% (740,672)
Total Other Financing Sources (1,380,694) (668,334) 48.41% (707,733)
Excess Revenues and Other Sources
Over Expenditures and Other Uses (2,674,740) 4,806,416 3,357,329
Fund Balance July 1, 2005 11,732,874 11,732,874
Projected Fund Balance June 30, 2006 9,058,134 16,539,290
*prior year restated to include PALS for better comparison