Beaufort County
General Fund
Revenues and Expenditures
Budget vs Actual
For The Nine Months Ended
March 31, 2007
Current Year Current Year Current Prior Year
Budget Actual Year Actual
(12 months) (9 months) % (9 months)
Property Taxes 56,531,000 53,420,202 94.50% 49,316,543
Licenses and Permits 6,502,456 2,840,629 43.69% 3,375,266
Intergovernmental 6,531,934 4,941,900 75.66% 4,566,810
Charges for Services 12,327,407 8,323,822 67.52% 9,335,526
Fines and Foreitures 686,500 580,254 84.52% 756,842
Interest 512,000 337,517 65.92% 174,745
Miscellaneous 245,600 332,494 135.38% 238,254
Total Revenues 83,336,897 70,776,818 84.93% 67,763,986
General Government 21,164,313 13,678,183 64.63% 12,770,401
Public Safety 38,145,440 26,256,407 68.83% 23,697,657
Public Works 17,160,633 11,099,628 64.68% 10,114,320
Public Health 2,956,613 2,075,272 70.19% 1,982,705
Public Welfare 923,854 523,556 56.67% 498,034
Cultural and Recreation 8,243,029 5,841,380 70.86% 5,315,887
Total Expenditures 88,593,882 59,474,426 67.13% 54,379,004
Excess Revenues over Expenditrues (5,256,985) 11,302,392 13,384,982
Other Financing Sources
Transfers in 457,500 339,645 74.24% 238,411
Transfers out (2,144,714) (1,595,286) 74.38% (1,111,010)
Total Other Financing Sources (1,687,214) (1,255,641) 74.42% (872,599)
Excess Revenues and Other Sources
Over Expenditures and Other Uses (6,944,199) 10,046,751 12,512,383
Fund Balance July 1, 2006 20,367,493 20,367,493
Projected Fund Balance June 30, 2007 13,423,294 30,414,244
*prior year restated to include Solid Waste / Recycling for better comparison

FY2007 Rrevenues/Expenditures 3Q

Beaufort County
General Fund
Revenues and Expenditures
Budget vs Actual
For The Nine Months Ended
March 31, 2007
Current Year Current Year Current Prior Year
Budget Actual Year Actual
(12 months) (9 months) % (9 months)
Property Taxes 56,531,000 53,420,202 94.50% 49,316,543
Licenses and Permits 6,502,456 2,840,629 43.69% 3,375,266
Intergovernmental 6,531,934 4,941,900 75.66% 4,566,810
Charges for Services 12,327,407 8,323,822 67.52% 9,335,526
Fines and Foreitures 686,500 580,254 84.52% 756,842
Interest 512,000 337,517 65.92% 174,745
Miscellaneous 245,600 332,494 135.38% 238,254
Total Revenues 83,336,897 70,776,818 84.93% 67,763,986
General Government 21,164,313 13,678,183 64.63% 12,770,401
Public Safety 38,145,440 26,256,407 68.83% 23,697,657
Public Works 17,160,633 11,099,628 64.68% 10,114,320
Public Health 2,956,613 2,075,272 70.19% 1,982,705
Public Welfare 923,854 523,556 56.67% 498,034
Cultural and Recreation 8,243,029 5,841,380 70.86% 5,315,887
Total Expenditures 88,593,882 59,474,426 67.13% 54,379,004
Excess Revenues over Expenditrues (5,256,985) 11,302,392 13,384,982
Other Financing Sources
Transfers in 457,500 339,645 74.24% 238,411
Transfers out (2,144,714) (1,595,286) 74.38% (1,111,010)
Total Other Financing Sources (1,687,214) (1,255,641) 74.42% (872,599)
Excess Revenues and Other Sources
Over Expenditures and Other Uses (6,944,199) 10,046,751 12,512,383
Fund Balance July 1, 2006 20,367,493 20,367,493
Projected Fund Balance June 30, 2007 13,423,294 30,414,244
*prior year restated to include Solid Waste / Recycling for better comparison