Beaufort County
General Fund
Revenues and Expenditures
Budget vs Actual
For The Nine Months Ended
March 31, 2003
Current Year Current Year Prior Year
Budget Actual Actual
(12 months) (9 Months) (9 Months)
Property Taxes 37,261,970 32,501,506 27,834,603
Licenses and Permits 2,182,486 1,541,692 1,413,831
Intergovernmental 6,437,311 4,567,850 4,659,272
Charges for Services 8,203,853 5,795,181 5,813,362
Fines and Foreitures 928,000 587,062 633,268
Interest 674,000 172,254 447,494
Miscellaneous 228,000 161,469 114,714
Total Revenues 55,915,620 45,327,014 40,916,544
General Government 19,729,304 13,344,080 12,076,021
Public Safety 26,570,710 18,182,979 17,460,426
Public Works 3,855,071 2,743,231 2,320,228
Public Health 2,107,838 1,463,905 1,532,918
Public Welfare 750,572 537,340 540,816
Cultural and Recreation 2,976,830 1,942,830 1,670,015
Total Expenditures 55,990,325 38,214,365 35,600,424
Excess Revenues over Expenditrues (74,705) 7,112,649 5,316,120
Other Financing Sources
Transfers in 39,500 34,758 39,525
Transfers out (4,542,175) (3,406,630) (2,829,232)
Total Other Financing Sources (4,502,675) (3,371,872) (2,789,707)
Excess Revenues and Other Sources
Over Expenditures and Other Uses (4,577,380) 3,740,777 2,526,413
Fund Balance July 1, 2002 6,735,874
Projected Fund Balance June 30, 2003 2,158,494

FY2003 Revenues and Expenditures 033103

Beaufort County
General Fund
Revenues and Expenditures
Budget vs Actual
For The Nine Months Ended
March 31, 2003
Current Year Current Year Prior Year
Budget Actual Actual
(12 months) (9 Months) (9 Months)
Property Taxes 37,261,970 32,501,506 27,834,603
Licenses and Permits 2,182,486 1,541,692 1,413,831
Intergovernmental 6,437,311 4,567,850 4,659,272
Charges for Services 8,203,853 5,795,181 5,813,362
Fines and Foreitures 928,000 587,062 633,268
Interest 674,000 172,254 447,494
Miscellaneous 228,000 161,469 114,714
Total Revenues 55,915,620 45,327,014 40,916,544
General Government 19,729,304 13,344,080 12,076,021
Public Safety 26,570,710 18,182,979 17,460,426
Public Works 3,855,071 2,743,231 2,320,228
Public Health 2,107,838 1,463,905 1,532,918
Public Welfare 750,572 537,340 540,816
Cultural and Recreation 2,976,830 1,942,830 1,670,015
Total Expenditures 55,990,325 38,214,365 35,600,424
Excess Revenues over Expenditrues (74,705) 7,112,649 5,316,120
Other Financing Sources
Transfers in 39,500 34,758 39,525
Transfers out (4,542,175) (3,406,630) (2,829,232)
Total Other Financing Sources (4,502,675) (3,371,872) (2,789,707)
Excess Revenues and Other Sources
Over Expenditures and Other Uses (4,577,380) 3,740,777 2,526,413
Fund Balance July 1, 2002 6,735,874
Projected Fund Balance June 30, 2003 2,158,494