Beaufort County
General Fund
Revenues and Expenditures
Budget vs Actual
For The Three Months Ended
September 30, 2001
Current Year Current Year Prior Year
Budget Actual Actual
(12 months) (3 Months) (3 Months)
Property Taxes 30,884,154 7,509,564 7,227,600
Licenses and Permits 2,140,025 548,745 525,782
Intergovernmental 6,291,483 1,526,468 1,338,377
Charges for Services 8,590,509 2,106,868 1,774,543
Fines and Foreitures 793,500 178,176 136,452
Interest 785,600 167,909 181,528
Miscellaneous 161,000 38,232 34,638
Total Revenues 49,646,271 12,075,962 11,218,920
General Government 17,451,169 4,041,657 3,317,284
Public Safety 24,356,857 5,445,701 4,900,896
Public Works 3,817,234 831,234 651,872
Public Health 2,071,943 692,195 642,961
Public Welfare 672,896 140,907 138,828
Cultural and Recreation 2,591,821 575,383 507,346
Total Expenditures 50,961,920 11,727,077 10,159,187
Excess Revenues over Expenditrues (1,315,649) 348,885 1,059,733
Other Financing Sources
Transfers in 36,250 10,000 10,000
Transfers out (3,719,813) (933,620) (1,020,241)
Total Other Financing Sources (3,683,563) (923,620) (1,010,241)
Excess Revenues and Other Sources
Over Expenditures and Other Uses (5,299,212) (574,735) 49,492
Fund Balance July 1, 2001 10,954,868
Projected Fund Balance June 30, 2002 5,655,656

FY2002 Revenues and Expenditures 0930011

Beaufort County
General Fund
Revenues and Expenditures
Budget vs Actual
For The Three Months Ended
September 30, 2001
Current Year Current Year Prior Year
Budget Actual Actual
(12 months) (3 Months) (3 Months)
Property Taxes 30,884,154 7,509,564 7,227,600
Licenses and Permits 2,140,025 548,745 525,782
Intergovernmental 6,291,483 1,526,468 1,338,377
Charges for Services 8,590,509 2,106,868 1,774,543
Fines and Foreitures 793,500 178,176 136,452
Interest 785,600 167,909 181,528
Miscellaneous 161,000 38,232 34,638
Total Revenues 49,646,271 12,075,962 11,218,920
General Government 17,451,169 4,041,657 3,317,284
Public Safety 24,356,857 5,445,701 4,900,896
Public Works 3,817,234 831,234 651,872
Public Health 2,071,943 692,195 642,961
Public Welfare 672,896 140,907 138,828
Cultural and Recreation 2,591,821 575,383 507,346
Total Expenditures 50,961,920 11,727,077 10,159,187
Excess Revenues over Expenditrues (1,315,649) 348,885 1,059,733
Other Financing Sources
Transfers in 36,250 10,000 10,000
Transfers out (3,719,813) (933,620) (1,020,241)
Total Other Financing Sources (3,683,563) (923,620) (1,010,241)
Excess Revenues and Other Sources
Over Expenditures and Other Uses (5,299,212) (574,735) 49,492
Fund Balance July 1, 2001 10,954,868
Projected Fund Balance June 30, 2002 5,655,656