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Please join Nexus Care of Beaufort County in our new monthly newsletter, The Butterfly Effect: Every Effort Matters. Contained in this newsletter will be messages from our Director, upcoming events in the community, an exclusive prevention activity every month, and more to come! Please sign up below!
SubscribeAbout Us
Beaufort County is not immune to the problems associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Admission of these problems usually occurs after a crisis, such as an arrest, an accident, or when someone gets hurt. Our goal is to help individuals and families to come to grips with problems of substance abuse and to prevent these problems from happening again.
Nexus Care of Beaufort County, a component of Beaufort County Government, is one of 46 agencies established under South Carolina law to help individuals and families troubled by alcohol, tobacco or other drug related problems.
Nexus Care is licensed by the State of South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control; it is also Internationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities and certified by the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services.
All of our full-time service staff are credentialed in their respective fields or are in the process of being credentialed and thus meet the highest national and international standards for quality service care.
Since our beginning in 1974, we've initiated a number of programs and services that are designed to help individuals, families and our community. For some, these programs and services are a requirement of the law, for others our programs are a requirement for life.
Our mission is to reduce the negative impact of alcohol and drugs in Beaufort County by providing its citizens with person-centered prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery services.
- Certified by the State of SouthCarolina
- Internationally Accredited by CARF
- Appointments are preferred and can be made by telephone or in person. (Beaufort) 843-255-6000 or (Bluffton/ Hilton Head area) 843-255-6020
- Walk-ins are accepted, provided a counselor is available.
- Medicaid service provider
- Reasonable price structure
- Attractive, modern surroundings
- Internationally Certified Clinical and Prevention Staff
- Services are Trauma Informed
- Confidential consultation and intervention counseling
- Customized services to meet individual needs
- Intensive Outpatient Program
- Recovery Maintenance Counseling
- Family Counseling Services
- Adolescent Outpatient Treatment Program
- Aftercare Services
- DUI Program
- School based treatment and prevention programs
- Community Prevention and Education Services
- Peer Recovery Support Services
- Medicated Assisted Recovery Program
- CLIA Certified Urine Drug Screen Services
Alcohol, tobacco and other drug use has serious consequences in our homes, schools, and communities every year. Millions of individuals and families are directly affected and many billions of dollars are lost as a result. But the reduction of alcohol and other drug problems in Beaufort County is a realizable goal.

At the BCADAD our treatment professionals view chemical dependency as a primary disease that affects the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. This disease is chronic, progressive and if left untreated can be fatal.

The ultimate goal of the ADSAP program is to improve highway safety by providing assessment, education, intervention and/or treatment services for DUI offenders in an effort to reduce their risk of committing another DUI offense in the future. This program is available in every county in the State of South Carolina.