District 10 - Lawrence P. McElynn

Lawrence P. McElynn (R)

Lawrence McElynn

District 10 
Term Expires December 2026

Mr. McElynn is a 20-year resident of Beaufort County with 40 years of executive experience managing people, programs and budgets. Mr. McElynn retired in March 2018 as Chief Judge of the Summary Court of South Carolina, Beaufort County, having served 8 years on the Court.

Prior to his appointment as a judge, Mr. McElynn served 30 years in the United States Department of Justice as a Special Agent with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).  He was a Level Four member of the U.S. Senior Executive Service (military equivalent 08) and served as Special Assistant to the Director of DEA, Chief of the Drug Investigation Division at INTERPOL, and as Special Agent in charge of the DEA Philadelphia Division.

Mr. McElynn has been active locally in community service in the field of drug prevention and education for which he received the prestigious “Palmetto Serves Award” from the South Carolina Department of Education. He has also been recognized as a “community hero” by the governor of South Carolina and has been awarded the Order of the Silver Crescent, South Carolina's highest civilian award for significant contributions to, and leadership within a community.

Term of Office:

  • 2023 - Present
  • 2019 - 2022

Committee Assignments

  • Community Services and Land Use- Member
  • Natural Resources- Member


  • Green Space Advisory Committee
  • Town of Hilton Head

Comprehensive Maps:

District Maps:

Fire District Maps:


584 Colonial Drive
Hilton Head Island, SC  29926