District 6 - Anna Maria (Tab) Tabernik
Anna Maria (Tab) Tabernik (R)
District 6
Term Expires on December 2026.
A lifelong educator, Council Member Tabernik most recently served as Chair of the Beaufort County Library Board of Trustees. With an emphasis on public service, her priorities while serving on Council are transparency, accountability, and fiscal responsibility. Council Member Tabernik sits on Finance, Administration, and Economic Development and Public Facility and Safety committees.
Anna Maria "TAB" Tabernik was born and raised in Cleveland, OH. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Case-Western Reserve University in Cleveland, a Master's Degree in Administration/Supervision from John Carroll University in Cleveland, and a Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Urband School Administration from Cleveland State University.
Ana Maria has two children. Holly is a forensic psychologist at Augusta Regent University in GA and Nicholas is a Deputy Police Chief in Dublin, Ohio. Her three grandchildren- the light of her life- are Austin, Avery, and Aurora.
Anna Maria devoted 15 years of her career teaching middle school and high school mathematics, working as an Assistant Principal, then a Middle School Principal in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. She then served as the Middle School Director, Secondary Curriculum Director and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for the Parma City Schools, 10th largest school district in Ohio. TAB retired from public education in 2007, working next for the SMART consortium at Ideastream in Cleveland. There she provided professional development to mathematics teachers and worked with principals on leadership. In 2011-2013 she worked for Align, Assess, Achieve, teaching common core mathematics to teachers across the country.
TAB moved to Sun City in 2011 where she still resides. She served eight years on the Beaufort County Library Board of Trustees - the last two years as the chair. She is the District Coordinator for AARP Tax Aide Program in Bluffton overseeing three tax prep sites and is a Director at Large for Staying Connected.
TAB is focused on working with the school district, managing growth in the area, workforce housing and accountability to residents.
Term of Office:
- 2023 - Present
Committee Assignments:
- Community Services and Land Use- Member
- Finance, Administration, and Economic Development - Member
- Natural Resources - Member
- Accommodations Tax Board (2% State)
- Beaufort County Transportation Committee
- Beaufort County School Board
- Beaufort Memorial Hospital Board of Trustees (Alt.)
- City of Hardeeville Town Council
- Jasper County Council
- Lowcountry Area Transportation Study
- Lowcountry Council of Governments
- Parks & Recreation Board (Alt.)
- Solicitor
- Southern Lowcountry Regional Board
- University of South Carolina- Beaufort
Past Activities:
- Vice President, Sun City Board of Directors
- Chair/member, Sun City Finance Committee
- Member, Sun City Covenants Committee
- Member, Sun City Leadership Development Committee
Comprehensive Maps:
District Maps:
Fire District Maps:
31 Raven Glass Lane
Okatie, SC 29909 843.986.7380