Municipality Options
City of Beaufort - Telephone: (843) 525-7054
The city of Beaufort offers curbside solid waste and recycling collection to residents. Residents are charged monthly for solid waste that is included on their BJWSA water bill to participate in the program. The initial recycling bins are free and can be obtained by calling the telephone number above.
Town of Port Royal - Telephone: (843) 986-2215
Port Royal offers curbside solid waste and recycling collection to residents. For more information call the number for the Town of Port Royal above.
Town of Bluffton - Telephone: (843) 706-4500
Bluffton offers curbside solid waste and recycling collection to residents. For more information call the number for the Town of Bluffton above. The cost of recycling is paid for through property taxes.
Town of Hilton Head - Telephone: (843) 342-4581 or visit
Town of Yemassee (border Municipality; Hampton County) - Telephone: (843) 589-2565
The Town of Yemassee offers curbside solid waste collection to residents and businesses. Residents and businesses are charged monthly for solid waste that is included on their LRWS water bill to participate in the program.
City of Hardeeville (border Municipality; Jasper County) - Telephone: 843-784-2231