Solid Waste and Recycling Board


The Solid Waste and Recycling Board advises Council in determining appropriate levels of public solid waste management services for residential, commercial, industrial taxpayers and governmental entities within Beaufort County; to recommend appropriate funding levels for provision of services in the aforementioned sectors, and to support and promote source reduction, recycling and composting and means of diverting and managing the solid waste stream within Beaufort County.

  • Meetings are held regularly on the fourth Thursday in January, March, May, July, September, and December at 2:00 pm. 
  • Meetings last approximately two hours.
  • Meetings are held in the Executive Conference Room, Administration Building, Beaufort County Government Robert Smalls Complex, 100 Ribaut Road, Beaufort.

Council Liaison: David Bartholomew

Appointed January 2025 

Council Committee Oversight:  Public Facilities and Safety

Current Board Openings

To view our current openings and apply online, please visit our new online tool provided by MatchBoard.

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