Mosquito Control

 Mosquito Image

Since 1974, Beaufort County Mosquito Control has improved the lives of those who reside or visit our portion of the scenic Lowcountry and Sea Islands. Mosquito Control will continue to offer services within a timely manner in support of a healthier and more enjoyable quality of life throughout Beaufort County.

Mission Statement

To enhance the health and quality of life through the suppression of disease-carrying and nuisance mosquitoes using the safest, most economical, and most effective means available. Staff adhere to the principles of Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) to accomplish these goals. Our IMM plan consists of:

  • surveillance of adult and larval mosquitoes
  • surveillance of mosquito-borne diseases
  • control of adult and larval mosquitoes
  • legislation
  • support of community outreach
  • continuing education for employees

Certified personnel use state of the art ground and aerial application equipment with tracking. Also, Mosquito Control receives technical support from Clemson University Department of Pesticide Regulation and South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC)



Tentative Treatment Area(s)


Tentative treatment area(s) are displayed on a map at the link above by 4:00 pm each work day (as needed). Please check this map often to determine when and where the spray trucks and/or aircraft may apply the public health insecticides during Monday through Friday.

*Mosquito Control cannot guarantee treatment activities will be conducted for the scheduled treatment area(s) due to the possibility of disease priorities, adverse weather conditions, mechanical issues, or any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.


FAA Regulation


In accordance with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations, please be advised that Beaufort County Mosquito Control may conduct aerial training, surveillance, or spray missions during daylight hours as needed. We use low flying aircraft (under 250 feet) to apply Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered public health insecticides during ideal weather conditions.

Fixed Wing Aircraft

OV-10 D  Bronco 




Rotary Wing Aircraft

MD-500 D



Surveillance Traps


     Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
    New Standard  Miniature Light Trap

EVS Trap

Encephalitis Vector Survey (EVS) Trap

Gravid Trap

Reiter-Cummings Modified Gravid Trap




**Please Do Not Disturb**

BG Sentinel Trap

   BG Sentinel Trap

(with Warning Sign)




BG-Pro Trap



  • Click on the link REQUEST SERVICE and fill out the needed information 
                              - or -
  • Call our office at 843-255-5800



Agnique MMF....................... Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Altosid Pellets...................... Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Altosid XR Briquetes............. Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Altosid XR-G Granules........... Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Aquabac 400G Granules........ Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
CoCo Bear........................... Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Metalarv S-PT Pellets............ Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Natular XRT Tablets.............. Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Vectomax FG....................... Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)


Anvil 10+10......................... Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
DeltaGard............................ Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Duet HD.............................. Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Imperium............................ Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Permanone 30-30................. Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Trumpet EC.......................... Label.......... Safety Data Sheet (SDS)


There are 53 different species of mosquitoes that are found in Beaufort County.

Aedes (19)

aegypti, albopictus, atlanticus, atropalpus, canadensis canadensis, canadensis mathesoni, cinerius, dupreei, fulvus pallens, hendersoni, infirmatus, mitchellae, sollicitans, taeniorhynchus, thibaulti, tormentor, triseriatus, trivittatus, vexans

Anopholes (8)

atropos, barberi, bradleyi, crucians, georgianus, punctipennis, quadrimaculatus, walkeri

Coquillettidia (1)


Culex (9)

coronator, erraticus, nigripalpus, peccator, pilosus, quinquefasciatus, restuans, salinarius, territans

Culiseta (2)

inornata, melanura

Mansonia (2)

dyari, titillans

Orthopodomyia (1)


Psorophora (8)

ciliata, columbiae, cyanescens, discolor, ferox, horrida, howardii, mathesoni

Toxorhynchites (1)

rutilus septentrionalis

Uranotaenia (2)

sapphirina, lowii


Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

West Nile Virus (WNV)

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Zika Virus

South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

What is Beaufort County Mosquito Control doing about these 3 Mosquito-Borne Diseases?

BCMC considers EEE, WNV, and Zika Viruses to be public health threats. SCDHEC, Clemson Veterinary Diagnostic Clinic, and/or BCMC  monitor these mosquito-borne diseases among mosquitoes, birds, horses, and/or humans. Subsequently, BCMC will intensify surveillance and mosquito abatement efforts if EEE, WNV, or Zika Virus are detected anywhere in Beaufort County. Some of these methods include:


  • Increase the collection of mosquitoes throughout Beaufort County for testing
  • Encourage residents and visitors to help with our surveillance program, such as for WNV (Dead Bird Surveillance)
  • Monitor mosquito-borne disease activity in adjacent counties, such as:      Chatham (GA), Jasper (SC),  Hampton (SC), and Colleton (SC)
  • Provide additional training for all BCMC employees
  • Participate in the state wide surveillance program for mosquitoes and dead birds
  • Coordinate our response plan with other government agencies
  • Educate the residents and visitors of Beaufort County about "mosquito hygiene" (source reduction of mosquito breeding sites and avoidance of biting mosquitoes), which are key to reduce the risk of EEE, WNV, and Zika Virus 





The public is encouraged to help with the detection of West Nile Virus (WNV) in wild birds throughout Beaufort County.

Please refer to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SDHEC) guideline for dead bird submittal by clicking the link below 


Follow the link below to sign up for our aerial spraying notifications.

*** Aerial Spray Notifications ***