Local Students Visit Hilton Head Island Airport: Career Day for Aviation and Aerospace Opportunities


Thursday, March 20, 2025 1:37 PM

On Friday, February 28, Hilton Head Island Middle School and McCracken Middle School students got a behind-the-scenes look at Airport Rescue and Firefighting facilities (ARFF). With support from the Civil Air Patrol, they explored airport operations and watched ARFF demonstrations. Throughout the day, students engaged in hands-on learning, asked insightful questions, and met aviation professionals from LifeStar (a medical helicopter service), Beaufort County Sheriff's Office, and Beaufort County Mosquito Control.

“Eighth grade students from Hilton Head Middle and H.E. McCraken Middle are actively exploring career options as part of their school’s initiative to broaden career exposure in our community," said Jennifer Simmons, Career Development Facilitator, Hilton Head Island Middle School.

"As a student career facilitator, I, along with with Bradford “Bear” Wilson (HEMMS),  recognize the importance of early exposure to various professions, particularly in the aviation sector. Organized engaging activities and presentations to highlight aviation career opportunities available in our local community help expose our students to ideas for future career paths.”

The students also interacted with members of Hilton Head's Composite Squadron in the Civil Air Patrol. First Lieutenant Dave Allison, Mission Pilot and Public Affairs Officer, shared information about education opportunities in the aviation and aerospace industries. With the current severe shortage of pilots and other aviation professionals, it's important to provide career and education advice.

“Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is an auxiliary, all-volunteer wing of the United States Air Force.  CAP has 70,000 volunteers nationwide and operates a fleet of more than 550 single engine aircraft used to provide emergency search and rescue services and post natural disaster aerial surveillance and photography," said First Lieutenant Allison. "CAP also has an extensive cadet development program for youth aged 12-18 and performs various community outreach and aviation/aerospace education programs in conjunction with local schools, social groups, and other organizations.  The Hilton Head Composite Squadron includes 40 cadets and 24 adult members.”

"The airport takes its role as a public facility very seriously," said Beaufort County Airports Director Jon Rembold. "When we can inspire our youth by introducing them to the exciting world of aviation and all the opportunities available, it really brings joy to the job.”



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