Highlights and Actions: Beaufort County Council Caucus and Beaufort County Council Meeting

Council 2024

Friday, February 28, 2025 2:14 PM

Beaufort County Council Caucus was held Monday evening. Below are some highlights from the caucus meeting: 

  • Pursuant to legal advice related to pending litigation Cheryl Munday and Margaret Devine v. Beaufort County Detention Center: Council voted to authorize the Deputy County Attorney and outside counsel to reject the settlement with the terms discussed in Executive Session and proceed to trial.

The Beaufort County Council met Monday evening. Below are some highlights from the agenda:

  • Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute all necessary documents to transfer right of way back to property owners associated with the Ribaut Road sidewalk project in Port Royal
  • Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute all necessary documents for the acceptance of S-859 located at SC 462 and SC 170, which is to be abandoned by SCDOT
  • Resolution authorizing the County Administrator to execute documents necessary and to provide funds to contribute to their procurement, Open Land Trust, for a farmland preservation conservation easement on property known as Essex Farms
  • Joint Resolution of Beaufort County and the Town of Hilton Head Island to redefine the US 278 Corridor project to align with available funding

From the Consent Agenda

  • Council voted to reappoint Marc Feinberg to Stormwater Management Utility Board for a 4 year term ending in February 2029

The next regular County Council meeting will be Monday, March 10 at 6 p.m. Council Chambers.

For the complete agenda for all meetings, click here.

To watch all meetings in their entirety, click here.

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