Beaufort County Council Meeting Schedule for 2025--Updated Public Comment Format

Monday, January 13, 2025 2:51 PM
Beaufort County Council announced time changes for committee meetings, caucus meetings and council meetings: 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. for committee meetings, 5 p.m. for caucus meetings and 6 p.m. for council meetings. The Public Comment portion has also been updated. Public comment will now be at the beginning of each meeting and will last for 30 minutes--each speaker limited to 3 minutes.
Citizens attending can sign up for Public Comment upon arrival. There will be only one Public Comment period per meeting.
Anyone who wishes to speak during the Public Comment portion of the meeting will limit their comments to no longer than three (3) minutes (a total of 30 minutes) and will address Council in a respectful manner appropriate to the decorum of the meeting, refraining from the use of profane, abusive, or obscene language.
"As Chair and Vice Chair of Beaufort County Council, we remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering an open and inclusive forum for public engagement," stated Chair Alice Howard. "Recent changes to the public comment portion of our meeting agendas reaffirm our dedication to ensuring that all members of the public have the opportunity to speak, regardless of the topic they wish to address because as your elected representatives, we are entrusted with the responsibility to listen to those we serve."