Update: Reopened! H.E. Trask Boat Landing Repair Project Completed
![New Trask Landing](../New-Trask-Landing.png)
Friday, September 2, 2022 9:54 AM
Update: The H. E. Trask Boat Landing is now officially open to the public. Closed since early July for new dock installation, all work has been completed in time for the Labor Day Weekend.
The entire cost of the project was expected to cost $288,609. Part of the project cost is funded by a Hospitality Tax Grant--$52,309--with the balance of $236,299 covered by the Public Works Department.
The project was put out to bid and awarded to R.L. Morrison & Sons, Inc.
Beaufort County is still conducting a survey of boat ramp users. The information you may provide will be most helpful in determining boat ramp needs, value of boat ramps to the economy and jobs market, as well as give insight into developing boating access needs and individual boat ramp site needs. The survey should take less than five minutes. We appreciate your participation in this study.
Take the Survey Here Boat Landings, Public Water Access, Bluffs, Piers (beaufortcountysc.gov)
For more information, call Beaufort County Public Works Department at 843-255-2800.