Grand Opening - Gullah Farmers Cooperative

Tuesday, December 7, 2021 3:38 PM
The Gullah Farmers Cooperative Association will celebrate the grand opening of the Gullah Farmers Cooperative Facility on Wednesday, December 8.
The grand opening is the official launch of the packing and distribution facility on St. Helena Island. This facility enables farmers to build local wholesale market outlets, such as schools, hospitals, and groceries, that have not been open to them in the past. The facility had a soft opening in May to refine the process, recruit customers and build the workforce.
On Monday, December 6, Beaufort County Council proposed providing $250,000 of the Federal American Rescue Plan money to The Gullah Farmers Cooperative (GFC) to support the Beaufort County Economic Development Corporation and The Gullah Farmers Cooperative in their efforts to bring agricultural equity to the market.
The Cooperative’s focus is to work towards its core goals: providing local and seasonal fresh produce to the region, increasing access to markets and agricultural resources for Gullah Farmers, and securing professional and other employment opportunities for people in the community.
The Gullah Farmers Cooperative Facility
Wednesday, December 8
10:30 - Gather
10:45 - Welcome
Joseph McDomick, President of the Gullah Farmers Cooperative Association
11 - 12 - Tours
41 Ball Park Road St. Helena Island, SC 29920
For more information, go to