Updated: Beaufort County Announces Redistricting Schedule and Public Meeting Locations

Thursday, November 25, 2021 12:42 PM
Eric Greenway, Beaufort County Administrator, announced the redistricting timeline, criteria, and guidance at a recent County Council meeting. Dates, times and locations for all County Council districts are listed below.
The County has created a webpage with information and the maps for public comment. The Redistricting webpage can be found here.
A redistricting town hall is posted to the webpage that will serve as a virtual option for all citizens unable to attend.
Redistricting is the process of enacting new district boundaries. District lines are redrawn every ten years following the completion of the United States census. Federal law stipulates that districts must have nearly equal populations and not discriminate based on race or ethnicity. Boundaries must also be as contiguous and compact as possible and keep communities of interest in their entirety.
November 8 – 24
Staff will analyze key data points, receive feedback from council members, and draw district maps.
Wednesday, November 24
Maps will be posted for public review.
Public Meetings:
All public meetings will be from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Monday, November 29
Public Hearing for Districts 1,2,3,4,5
USCB Center for the Arts, Beaufort (map)
Tuesday, November 30
Public Hearing for Districts 5,6,7,9
Bluffton Rec Center, Bluffton (map)
Wednesday, December 1
Public Hearing for Districts 8,10,11
Hilton Head Island Recreation Center, Hilton Head (map)
Final Preparations Before Council Readings:
December 2 – 6
Staff will take public comments and see if any adjustments to the boundaries will need to be made
December 5
The final two maps will be presented to the Executive Committee to decide which map to recommend for approval
December 6
County Council Executive Committee Meeting
County Council Meeting Schedule:
Monday, December 13
1st Reading at County Council meeting
Monday, January 10
2nd Reading at County Council meeting
Monday, January 24
3rd and Final Reading at County Council meeting
Once the map has passed County Council, it will be submitted to the South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office to review and then enact the new district maps.
You can find your district https://gis.beaufortcountysc.gov/voterregistration/
Select District Locator at the bottom of the screen.
Type in address.
The map will zoom in and highlight the property.
Click on County Council Districts.