Coroner to lay to rest 34 unclaimed remains on November 18

Monday, November 15, 2021 3:15 PM
Over the past few months, the Beaufort County Coroner's Office has been attempting to locate and contact families of the 62 unclaimed cremains that have been stored dating back to back to 1982.
As a result of the Coroner's Office efforts, families of 27 of the previously unclaimed cremains were reached and took possession of their loved ones. The cremains of one woman was claimed by her synagogue and interred with her husband.
To properly inter unclaimed cremains, with the assistance of Beaufort County government, a crypt in the mausoleum at Forest lawn Cemetery was recently purchased.
On November 18, 2021, the remaining 34 unclaimed cremains will be interred. Four of the cremains will be interred with military honors at the Beaufort National Cemetery at 11:00 a.m. At 2:00 p.m., 30 will be entombed at the mausoleum at Forest Lawn Cemetery, 611 Robert Smalls Parkway, in Beaufort.
The public and media are invited to attend the services.
David W. Ott, Coroner