Beaufort County Council Completes Semi-Annual Retreat

Friday, November 5, 2021 2:54 PM
Beaufort County Council finished its three-day semi-annual retreat with County staff today. The staff provided updates on the operations and major projects from the first 5 months of the fiscal year and objectives for the next 7 months.
"It was a great opportunity for the Council to receive in-depth information and provide direct feedback to our Assistant County Administrators and staff," said County Council Chairmen Joe Passiment. "The county is heading in the right direction, and I am excited to see the changes over the next few years as we make Beaufort County a great place to work, live, and play."
Regional Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Eric Greenway, Beaufort County Administrator, briefed Council on the proposed Regional Affordable Housing Trust Fund. 8 jurisdictions participated in the study to answer critical questions on sources & uses of funds, how governance and partnerships would work, and a definition of affordable housing.
If endorsed by the regional municipalities, the key goal would be access to affordable housing based on an annual median income of $46,500. We are working to overcome barriers to affordable development by closing financial gaps, identifying land availability and banking/credits, providing infrastructure costs, and offsetting Impact fees for development.
The key to success will be that the approach that addresses the needs of each jurisdiction must be a balanced geographically approach with jurisdictional funding and reliable dedicated revenue sources.
Passive Parks
Currently, the passive parks program is managing activities and park development for 50 properties—more than 13,574 acres. These properties include:
- Crystal Lake Park opening consists of 25 acres and ½ mile boardwalk
- Widgeon Point Preserve consists of 170 acres and 1 mile of trail, picnic pavilion, and event barn for weddings and family gatherings
- Fort Frederick Heritage Preserve
- Fort Fremont Preserve opening next week and will be maintained by Beaufort County and operated by the Friends of Fort Fremont
Currently, the program has identified the future parks – Whitehall (LI), Okatie River Park (Bluffton), Pineview Preserve (LI), Bailey Memorial (Bluffton) & Fords Shell Ring (HHI)
The regional stormwater manual has been updated and implemented, and municipalities use it for their stormwater projects. Construction of 319 EPA Grant for Evergreen regional stormwater in bluffton pond should be complete by January 2022. The community has been updated on the Shell Point drainage study. A task force has been created and will be applying for 2 grants to fund the project. The stormwater department has identified funds and will fix the erosion problems around the 278 Fly-over bridge. The Alljoy community stormwater project has been submitted for funding to the state agency SCEMD. Construction will begin on a stormwater project soon at Brewer Memorial Park on Lady's Island.
Stormwater is applying for a 319 Grant for Arthur Horne Park stormwater issues; drainage studies will be conducted for two areas on Lady's island and St. Helena Island. Construction will begin on stormwater projects for Huspah Creek, Mystic Drive and the dredging of Tuxedo Park.
Libraries have seen a large increase in the use of 2 bookmobiles because of the pandemic. We believe the success will continue along with curbside pickup that we have received very positive feedback.
The implementation of online card registration along with digital subscriptions and virtual programs has been very successful.
Bluffton library renovation is nearly complete, and hosting the Stay Plus Rental Assistance program has led to 270 families and $1.5 million in aid to keep families in their homes.
The primary focus for 2021 will be to move forward with the proposed New Riverside Library – will serve about 40,000 residents with a $6.5M construction estimate and identify new locations in line with the Library Facility Master Plan from 2017.
To improve our process and give the Council and the public time to provide detailed input, we have extended the Budget Calendar. The staff has already started internal meetings with departments, and proposals are being drafted. The budget office is asking departments to develop 3-year plan spending plans that tie to the Comprehensive Plan.
Human Services
Human Services will focus long-term planning on homelessness. This will require a regional approach. The department is currently recruiting an Outreach Specialist coordinator responsible for developing a 5-Year Plan and serving as the primary contact in our community.
Homelessness is defined as people and families on the street or at risk of being evicted. Underlying conditions causing homelessness are Economic Pressure and Mental illness & Trauma. These are followed by substance abuse, criminal records, and lifestyle choice.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services
The department has identified many grants to augment funding and expand services without more money from taxpayers. To become more effective staff has been sent to grand writing training. COVID increased citizens' hesitancy to come in for treatment. The Advisory Council is evaluating SOP's to provide intervention recommendations for Council. There have been 36 opiate deaths in Beaufort in 2021 (Currently six weeks behind). Projection is 40-45 deaths this year. Some of the grants will require cooperation with law enforcement for community outreach.
Beaufort County has seen a significant increase in the Latino population. The department received Latinix Operation Mariposa grant that will assist the community in County for alcohol abuse. The department will hire bilingual Outreach staff to facilitate these grants.
Two other issues we are looking to tackle are the increase in opioid use in rural communities. We will apply for a Rural Opioid Outreach Grant ($1M grant) to put personnel into the Jail and EMS departments to provide motivational enhancement therapy and refer people to BCADAD. Starting in January, Transitional Funding will be available to those with alcohol abuse problems to prevent a return to homelessness. It isn't easy to get sober if living on the street.
Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
The department touches over 800 families & individuals in Beaufort. The County operates over 11 residential homes for early intervention and provides a living to those with disabilities and special needs.
The department will be adjusting to new Fee For Service requirements that will be implemented in early 2022.
The organization is broken into 2 distinct departments to comply with Federal and State Legislations
1) Day program including counseling services for consumers
2) Early Interventionists
SC Dept of Health & Human Services is changing revenues to County from up-front to reimbursement based on fee for service. Fed matches 1 out of 3 dollars spent.
Parks and Recreation
Buckwalter BRACE project has been awarded and will start construction. The department continues to resurface courts and has created pickleball courts throughout the County. Parks and recreation have been awarded 2 grants for the downtown tennis courts. Lind Brown Center will open with staff in December.
Baseball has been a large part of Beaufort county. Batting Cages have been constructed from the $5 fund, and infields across the County have been reskinned clay areas. The department is comparing re-sodding fields and installing the newest versions of field tuft. Park upgrades include replacing playgrounds at multiple locations and basketball goals and meeting public comments to establish disc golf at Burton Wells.
To improve services to all our citizens, the department will be upgrading/renovating restrooms and making them ADA compliant.
The last major initiative will be to work on a proposal and implementation plan to have afterschool and programs for seniors run by the staff of parks and recreation.
Animal Services
Approximately 100K domestic dogs and cats live in Beaufort County. The best way to protect them is to create an Oral Rabies Vax Program to stop the transfer of rabies from wildlife to domesticated animals.
Detention Center
The detention centers are ¾'s way through electronic security upgrades. The center needs to update 13 roof units/HVAC systems and replace the walk-in cooler/freezer.
The most significant issue is cost-effective inmate medical and mental health services. Citizens with mental health problems are the most likely to be housed in the detention center multiple times.
EMS is proud to have opened Shanklin Station and Redbarn Station. Next, we will need to add a station in Sun City and renovate the Sun City Fire Station. EMS is in the planning process for combined stations with the Town of Bluffton. We estimate a need of $1.5M for new buildings and additional funds to start the life cycle of the ambulances. EMS has positive feedback about the four-year NARCAN grant that has saved lives and identified those needing to get over to county services.
Mosquito Control
West Nile and Triple E Viruses continue to be concerning as they have spread into the area.
The department uses environmentally safe and approved chemicals with a 3-pronged approach with Helicopters to destroy larve state, Stormwater Treatment to stop breeding, and Adulticide with trucks and aerial spraying
The department needs to upgrade its laboratory to identify breeding and viral transmissions better. This is key because the department must identify quickly because of the 7-day life cycle.
Mass Transit w/ Mary Lou Franzoni (Palmetto Breeze)
Palmetto Breeze started in Beaufort and Jasper Counties in 1978 and is Now a 5-county authority consisting of Beaufort, Allendale, Hampton, Jasper, Colleton.
Palmetto Breeze may have opportunity for increased funding based on shifting of areas classified as urban versus rural (recent census) though they do receive funding for both.
To ensure long term sustainability Palmetto Breeze needs to identify a dedicated source of local funds
To improve our service we will look at requests for service to/from HHI Airport, conduct a study for route-planning to be performed by consultant, hiring additional busses and drivers, expand the Urban Service Expansion to include the Town of Bluffton.
Solid Waste and Recycling
It is the department goal to become the most proactive green County in SC. This past year 2021 was a big year as we became an Enterprise Fund, implemented Decal program. The program has garnered interest from agencies across the nation. Costs have continued to rise as the population rises (15.3% increase). We hope to reduce costs wit a Zero-waste initiative, Education & Enforcement, a Permit/Construct transfer station and complete campus for construction waste. The department is looking to expand its e-waste services.