Remarks from Beaufort County Chairman Joe Passiment Monday August 23, 2021 County Council Meeting

Tuesday, August 24, 2021 12:16 PM
Today I am creating an Ad Hoc Committee. This committee will be tasked to provide recommendations to the full council for two specific groups. The first group is the 1,300 employees who work in the 52 buildings across the 5 locations in the Beaufort County. The second group is the citizens of the County on a daily basis interact with those employees.
We know that COVID-19 and its variants have caused Beaufort County to react in a variety of ways, as we have dealt with this virus for the past 18 months. We continue to struggle with the best practices that are needed to keep both the employees and the public safe. We shut down the County for a period hoping that would eliminate the problem with COVID. We issued an emergency ordinance and renewals requiring all businesses and people to wear masks, hoping that would end COVID-19. We held vaccine clinics to get as many people vaccinated to get back to normal operation of the County, and we still have not found the perfect solution. We are now faced with rising infections and pressures on the hospitals and first responders to treat those who are being infected by the virus.
This ad-hoc committee will be asked to address several issues and bring the council recommendation for the near-term, medium-term, and long-term.
What should the requirements for employees who work in county buildings?
What should be the requirements for the public who must come to County buildings to interact with employees or council?
Can we require masks to be used by employees?
Can we require the public to use masks in County buildings?
What other concerns that council or administration would like this committee to address.
The following members of council and liaisons for administration as assigned by the County administrator:
Council Member Larry McElynn will chair this committee and will represent Hilton Head Island.
Council Member Mark Lawson will be a member and will represent South of the Broad.
Council Member Allice Howard will be a member and will represent North of the Broad.
Liaison for administration will be:
Tom Keaveny, Deputy County Attorney to provide legal advice.
Scott Marshall, Human Resources Director to provide policy advice.
Col. Quandara Grant, Detention Center Director, to provide employee information and advice.
Time is of the essence; therefore, the committee needs to do the assigned work and report to the full council at the regular council meeting scheduled for September 27, 2021.
Note: This committee is created under the authorities of Chapter 9 in the Council approved Rules and Procedures.
rules-procedures.pdf (
All committee chairmanships and tasks shall emanate from the Chairman. Upon approval by the Chairman, the County Administrator maybe assigned to a Standing Committee or Ad Hoc Committee, specified requests and/or tasks which emerge either from Council discussions, incoming correspondence, or memoranda. Each assignment shall be added to the appropriate committee's work in progress and completed status report.