Licenses Available for Solid Waste Collectors and Haulers Beginning July 1

Friday, June 18, 2021 8:57 AM
Beginning July 1, solid waste hauler licenses for 2021-2022 will be available for all associated collectors and haulers operating in Beaufort County. The County will not accept disposal charges at its approved landfills from collectors and haulers who do not have a valid license after August 1.
License fees are $100 per year for the first vehicle and $50 for each additional vehicle/decal.
Beaufort County’s Code of Ordinances requires that all contractors providing residential waste collection and transportation within the County have a license which, along with decals, can be obtained from either the Beaufort or Bluffton location of the Beaufort County Solid Waste and Recycling Department.
To schedule an appointment or if you have questions, please contact Cindy Carter at or 843-255-2745.