Reminder: Convenience Center Decal Required Beginning Thursday, April 1

Monday, March 29, 2021 10:06 AM
Beginning Thursday, April 1, decals will be required at all County Convenience Centers. Vehicles should be prepared to stop as they enter the Convenience Centers.
Please be patient when going to a Convenience Center.
Decal applications have been available since October 2020; have you filed yours?
Residents of Beaufort County that own residential property have been able to apply and obtain decals since last October. Beaufort County Solid Waste & Recycling kicked off the decal program with an initial opening January 1, and now the final deadline to apply for SWR decals is here.
No decal needed today or tomorrow.
Residents can use the Convenience Centers today, Monday and tomorrow, Tuesday without a decal.
Remember: all County Convenience Centers are closed Wednesdays.
Enforcement Officers and staff will be on site to answer questions and check decals. Please be patient.
Beginning Thursday, April 1, residents that have not received their decal will be denied access to the Centers. Enforcement Officers will be stationed at various Convenience Centers to help staff and the public.
If you have applied for a decal but have not received it, please do not panic.
Residents who have not received a decal, can go to 80 Shanklin Road, Beaufort or 104 Simmonsville Road, Bluffton, to drop off their trash. A staff person will be on site to confirm that an application has been filed.
Applied but have not received the decal?
If you have applied for a decal and have not heard back, there may be an issue with your application. Please send a help request at
Decals are received faster if applicants provide an email.
Once an application is approved, you will be issued a decal sticker through USPS mail and an electronic decal via the e-mail provided on your application.
Still have not applied for a decal?
If you have not applied for a decal, please submit your information using the online form at One decal will be issued per Beaufort County property.
Visits will be limited to 3 per week.
Each residential property owner will be allowed 3 visits per week to a Convenience Center.
For those who don’t want a decal, there are options.
For County residents who choose not to apply for a decal, property owners can make arrangements for individual curbside collection from a permitted waste hauler of their choice and at their own expense.
A list of these haulers can be found here.
For any additional questions or concerns, please visit:
Final reminders:
Per County ordinance, County residents who apply for a Solid Waste & Recycling decal MUST be a residential property owner and have that property listed as occupied residential property.
Renters cannot apply for a decal. Renters are not, by tax records, considered property owners.
Heirs property owners MUST provide the AIN number of the real property. Each heir property should have one point of contact for the parcel to expedite approvals.
Today, Monday March 29 and tomorrow, Tuesday, March 30 are the final days to use County Convenience Centers without a decal.
Convenience Centers are closed Wednesday.
Thursday, April 1, all cars will be scanned for decals. Those without decals will be turned away.
If you’ve applied and not received your decal, please use 80 Shanklin Road, Beaufort or 104 Simmonsville Road, Bluffton.
Please be patient with all Convenience Center staff and County Enforcement Officers. Beaufort County services are paid for by Beaufort County residents and should be available to only County residents.
Thank you for helping us all work together to keep Beaufort County beautiful.