Beaufort County to Reopen County Administration Building and Myrtle Park Government Center to Public on March 15

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 9:28 AM
Beaufort County will resume regular services and reopen the County Administration Building, 100 Ribaut Road, Beaufort and Myrtle Park Government Center, 4819 Bluffton Parkway, Bluffton, beginning Monday, March 15.
In the interest of protecting the public and County employees, citizens will need to follow DHEC and the CDC public health guidelines.
Appropriate COVID-19 protocols are in place including:
- A staffed information desk, to help those needing assistance;
- Employees are provided with hand sanitizer and face coverings to use in the workplace;
- Floor markers and signs found throughout County buildings encourage citizens to maintain 6-feet of social-distancing;
- Visitors to County buildings will be required to wear face coverings, per County Council mandate.
Many County services remain available online, through email, by phone, or curbside drop boxes at both the Administration Building (map) and Myrtle Park Government Center (map).
At this time only the Administration Building and Myrtle Park Government Center will be open to the public. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
For information about specific County departments, please call 843-255-1000 or visit