Beaufort County Library System Expansion and Renovation Projects Scheduled to Begin This Spring

Tuesday, February 16, 2021 8:37 AM
The Beaufort County Library System has several projects scheduled to begin this spring including the beginning of the due diligence phase for a proposed library branch at New Riverside Village.
While continuing to operate under Covid 19 strict health and safety guidelines, January 2021 saw an overall increase in visitors to Beaufort County Library locations and Bookmobiles. For January 2021 alone, the County library branches circulated 59,264 items. Usage of free digital resources (Hoopla, cloudLibrary Flipster, Lynda, and continues to rise as more library cardholders discover these valuable resources. Since July, County library branches have provided nearly 25,000 curbside sessions.
The Bluffton Branch Library is preparing to undergo renovations that will update more than 60% of the branch. Changes will include relocating, expanding and enclosing the Children’s Area, a new programming room dedicated to children’s events, relocating the main adult fiction section, relocating and enhancing the teen area, creating new community meeting rooms and new furniture, flooring and paint. County Council has approved the construction contract to move forward with an anticipated start date of March.
In their February 1 meeting, County Council’s Community Services Committee approved the request to conduct pre-purchase due diligence activities for the proposed New Riverside Library site. The pre-purchase due diligence includes a survey, an appraisal, and phase 1 environmental site assessment. This pre-purchase due diligence research will provide necessary information for Beaufort County to continue investigating a suitable path forward for the proposed library at New Riverside Village.
For more information on programs, services, and project updates, visit