Beaufort County Is Still Doing Business: Services Available Online, By Telephone, or Through Mail

Wednesday, March 25, 2020 3:58 PM
Beaufort County officials remind residents there are convenient ways to conduct business with the County during this public health crisis. Although County buildings are currently closed to the public, many services by the Assessor, Auditor, Business License, Planning and Zoning, Treasurer, and other County offices are accessible online, by phone, fax, or through the mail. Visit the County website at and select “Government” for a department listing.
Also, there are bins outside of the County Administration Building (Robert Smalls Complex, 100 Ribaut Road, Beaufort) for citizens to drop off and pick up paperwork such as business license applications, permit applications, and plans for review. The County will invoice for any associated fees for submission that normally require immediate payment. Please do not deposit cash or checks in these bins, which will be monitored and emptied daily so that all paperwork can be processed accordingly.
For more information, about County government operations and additional resources related to COVID-19, please visit
For more information, about County government operations and additional resources related to COVID-19, please visit
Beaufort County reminds the public to continue heeding safety guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the SC Department of Health Environmental Control (SCDHEC) to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We must all do our best to protect our hospital and emergency services, so our system is able to manage patients during this time.
Tips to help prevent spread of the disease are available at:
Thank you for leading by example and creating a culture of infection control. We need everyone to be a part of the solution for each’s personal health, public health, safety and welfare of our communities.
Please continue to follow only official government sources of information and stay in touch with us.
To sign up for news from Beaufort County Administration, visit:
To send an email to a Beaufort County department, visit us at:
Beaufort County Government
Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office