Beaufort County Litter Clean-Up Results

Friday, December 18, 2020 2:15 PM
Three Beaufort County Departments participated in a one-day roadside litter removal on November 18, 2020. Beaufort County Department of Parks and Recreation, Public Works and Solid Waste and Recycling joined together with 60 participants and removed 246 bags of litter totaling 6,050 pounds! Recyclable items were removed and only 182 bags were landfilled.
The Beaufort County Litter Crew organized the event and teams were present in all eleven County Council Districts of the County. Beaufort County remains committed to a beautiful landscape for our residents and guests.
If you have questions, or are interested in forming an Adopt-A-Highway group, please call the Solid Waste and Recycling Office at 843-255-2736 for more information or visit the website at