Beaufort County Convenience Center Decal Program to Start January 2, 2021

Tuesday, December 29, 2020 3:41 PM
If you are a contractor or commercial business, you are not allowed to use the County Convenience Centers. Increased enforcement presence will be in place.
If you have applied for a decal, but have not received a copy, please continue to check your e-mail that was listed on the application. You will be issued a decal sticker through USPS mail and an electronic decal via your e-mail.
If you have not applied for a decal, please submit your information using the online form at One decal will be issued per Beaufort County property.
If you are having trouble with finding your address using the form, please click here to contact us.
Each residential property owner will be allowed 3 visits per week to a Convenience Center.
Property owners might also consider making arrangements for individual curbside collection from a permitted waste hauler of their choice and at their own expense. A list of these haulers can be found here.
The Gate Convenience Center (316 Castle Rock Road) and Pritchardville Convenience Center (270 Gibbet Road) will be closing December 31, 2020. These sites will be monitored via camera for potential illegal dumping and enforcement action will be taken