Treasurer Holding Annual Delinquent Property Sale Monday, October 5

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 11:32 AM
The Beaufort County Treasurer's Office will conduct the annual Delinquent Property Tax Sale at 10 a.m., Monday October 5, at the Buckwalter Recreation Center, 905 Buckwalter Pkwy, Bluffton.
Due to the Coronavirus and current restrictions, modifications were required and are as follows:
- To accommodate social distancing and avoid exceeding occupancy limits, only registered bidders will be permitted in the building.
- Face masks will be required.
- For spectators and community members, the tax sale will be broadcasted online via YouTube. A link will be available the day of the sale on
Special Office Hours
Although all County buildings remain closed for in-person services, the Treasurer’s Office will temporarily open for in-person services with modified hours, to assist customers wishing to pay their property taxes in-person ahead of the Delinquent Tax Auction on October 5. Only guaranteed funds will be accepted to include cash, money order, cashiers/certified check or credit card.
Thursday, October 1 -- The Bluffton Office will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday, October 2 – The Beaufort Office will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Treasurer’s Office will continue to offer virtual and online services Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Delinquent Taxpayer Information
The properties listed for auction are delinquent for the 2019 tax year and any prior years. Taxpayers wanting to prevent their property from being auctioned have until 5 p.m on Friday October 2, to pay any outstanding taxes. Only guaranteed funds will be accepted to include cash, money order, cashiers/certified check or credit card.
Payment will not be accepted the day of the auction.
Should a defaulting taxpayer’s property be sold at tax sale, they have an opportunity to redeem the property for twelve (12) months and one day from the date of the tax sale during which time the delinquent property owner may pay the delinquent taxes and interest to the bidder, in order to maintain ownership of their property.
Bidder Information
Individuals wishing to bid on properties being auctioned at the Beaufort County Tax sale must register in advance of the auction. Registration will not be permitted the day of the sale.
Bidders are required to register in advance online by 12 p.m., Friday, October 2. The registration fee is $30.00 and includes a list of all properties to be sold, distributed by email as well as the morning of the auction.
On the day of the sale, bidder sign-in will begin at 8 a.m. and end at 9:30 a.m. All bidders must be signed in by 9:30 a.m. At that time, we will have a special event for just heirs family members who have registered to bid.
Properties are advertised and auctioned in alphabetical order according to the defaulting owner's last name or company name as listed in Beaufort County’s tax system. If an owner has multiple properties being auctioned, the properties will be advertised and auctioned in numerical order by Property Identification Number (PIN).
All bid payments, deed preparation costs, and recording fees must be paid in full and made on-site before the close of business on the day of the tax sale with guaranteed funds.
A complete list of properties for auction is available online at A final list will be sent to all registered bidders via email the day before the tax sale.
To learn more about the tax sale, please visit