June 9 Primaries to be Held as Scheduled — In-Person Voting for Bluffton Residents Begins Today, May 11

Monday, May 11, 2020 2:46 PM
The June 9 statewide primaries and June 23 runoff elections will proceed as scheduled. The South Carolina Election Commission does not have the authority to delay the primaries or deviate from current law. However, in Beaufort County, there will be no Democratic Party Primary as there is no opposition for nominations.
Voting options remain unchanged:
• Applications are available now for voting by mail.
• In-person absentee voting at the Bluffton Satellite office, 61B Ulmer Road, Bluffton, will begin today, Monday, May 11.
• In-person absentee voting is available at the Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Beaufort County’s main office, 15 John Galt Road, Beaufort, began Monday, May 4.
Elections officials are taking steps to protect the health of voters and poll managers. Poll managers will receive training on social-distancing and maintaining sanitary conditions in the polling place. Staff will have personal protection equipment and sanitizing wipes for all voting machines, which will be spaced apart to meet guidelines.
Some polling places will be relocated or consolidated due to the pandemic. Elections officials are working to find new locations and recruit new managers; however, some voters will vote at a different polling place. To find out if your polling place has changed, please go to www.scvotes.org.
Before you vote, it is a good idea to verify that you are registered and that your address is up to date. To vote, please bring a photo ID or voter registration card. Also, please bring your own pen to sign in.
For more information, visit the Board of Voter Registration and Elections of Beaufort County at www.beaufortcountysc.gov/vote or call 843-255-6900.