Effective Immediately: Outdoor Burning Is Prohibited in Unincorporated Beaufort County Until Further Notice

Friday, April 3, 2020 1:25 PM
The South Carolina Forestry Commission has issued a statewide Red Flag Fire Alert, effective immediately. Weather forecasts for most of the state this weekend include stronger-than-normal wind gusts and low relative humidity, all of which combine with dry fuels on the ground to create the potential for outdoor fires escaping easily and spreading rapidly.
Beaufort County Ordinance under section 6 states, “When a Red Flag Alert has been declared in Beaufort County by the SC Forestry Commission, it shall automatically constitute a hazardous condition. Thereafter, no open burning of any material, vegetative or otherwise, will be permitted within the unincorporated areas of the County.”
In addition to discouraging outdoor burning, the alert will also help reduce the strain on local fire departments and other first responders who need to remain available for the COVID-19 response.
The alert will remain in effect until lifted by the Commission, whose fire response teams will continuously monitor the situation throughout the weekend.