Beaufort County Begins Promoting Go Green Keep it Clean

Wednesday, November 6, 2019 12:02 PM
The Beaufort County Public Works Solid Waste and Recycling Department recently purchased a 2019 Chevy Bolt EV (electric vehicle) which will be used in part to help promote the County’s message of Go Green Keep it Clean. The 2019 Chevy Bolt runs solely on electric power and is more eco-friendly than gasoline-powered vehicles because no air pollutants and greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere.
The Chevy Bolt is wrapped with the message Go Green Keep it Clean and includes the Beaufort County recycling mascot Rerun and his partners Blue (the recycling bin) and Bag (the trash bag). MOONDOG Animation Studios of Charleston, South Carolina, created the character design for the car wrap and Sign D' Sign in Bluffton, South Carolina, installed the wrap.
The Bolt is powered by its front wheels and can travel up to 238 miles before needing to recharge. The Chevy Bolt costs the County approximately $7.20 for each recharge. It is also equipped with Regen on Demand, which recaptures energy to the car battery.
Click here to watch a video of the County’s Chevy Bolt being wrapped with the Go Green Keep it Clean message. For more information about the County’s Go Green Keep it Clean, contact Beaufort County Recycling Coordinator Ashley Jenkins at or 843-255-2823.