Hurricane Dorian Information en Español (Spanish): El huracán Dorian

Wednesday, September 4, 2019 9:13 AM
Hurricane preparedness information in Spanish:
Disaster Resources/Recursos de desastres:
- Before a Hurricane/Antes de un huracán
- After a Hurricane / Después de un huracán
- Floods / Inundaciones
- Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms / Huracanes y otras tormentas tropicales
For more news and information related to Beaufort County Government operations and Hurricane Dorian updates, visit
Information is also available online at The (Beaufort) County Channel and via its cable outlets - Comcast channel 2; Hargray 9 and 113; and Spectrum 1304.
Disaster Resources/Recursos de desastres:
- Before a Hurricane/Antes de un huracán
- After a Hurricane / Después de un huracán
- Floods / Inundaciones
- Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms / Huracanes y otras tormentas tropicales
For more news and information related to Beaufort County Government operations and Hurricane Dorian updates, visit
Information is also available online at The (Beaufort) County Channel and via its cable outlets - Comcast channel 2; Hargray 9 and 113; and Spectrum 1304.