b'NOT ACCEPTED The following items are not accepted at any Beaufort County Convenience Center.Prohibited Items AmmunitionContact local police department for disposal options. AmmunitionFireworksContact your local fire station for Fireworksdisposal options, or wet and double-bag, then place in the trash. Medical WasteMedical waste (including syringes)Smoke DetectorsSmoke detectors Syringes Visit des.sc.gov/recycle and see Hard-to-Manage Items for more disposal options)Commercial WasteCommercial solid waste is defined as anysolid waste generated by industrial,commercial or business activities.The business is responsible for transport and disposal feesBeaufort County DOESNOT provide curbside trash pick-up. The use of any Beaufort County ConvenienceCenter for the disposal of commerciallygenerated solid waste is strictly forbiddenby Beaufort County Ordinance.We do NOT ACCEPT items from businesses, industries, or manufacturers.Did you know? Beaufort County DOESNOT provide curbside trash pick-up.Please contact your trash hauler to inquireabout or make special arrangements for:Billing QuestionsMissed CollectionsTrash Pickup days & timesTrash Bins (New or Replacement) Other questions regarding curbside trash disposal6'