b'For more information about Keep Beaufort County Beautiful, contactcontact contact a KBCB representative at (843) 255-2817.contact5 Easy5WEaayssytWoa ybsetao z beero a- zero-contact ToleraTnocele rfoarn cLei tftoerr L Citittiezre nCitizen5 Easy Way5sEtaos yb eW aa yzse rtoo- be a zero-1.Tarp and/or secure your load to your truck or trailer.Tolerance fToor eLrl itt C t enter Citizen2.anecrefoi r izLitUse proper containers to dispose of trash.3.Join the Adopt-A-Highway program to take part in organized clean up and beautification events.4.Never throw away anything (including cigarette butts) from your car or truck.5.If you witness a litterbug statewide, report it at palmettopride.org or call 1-877-754-8837.6.If you witness a litterbug in Beaufort County, call (843) 255-2817.7.Report illegal dumping and litter with Beaufort County Connect App. This app for iOSand Android allows users to easily submit non-emergency requests or issues to related departments with a simple to use interface. Download the app at beaufortcountysc.gov/apps/index.html or scan this QR code.'