b'Beaufort County Residents may bring Beaufort County residents may bring household hazardous waste (HHW) to county convenience centers. household hazardoius waste (HHW) Place this waste under the covered shed!to the County Convenience Centers.Accepted Items Antifreeze Automotive & Boat Products Rechargeable BatteriesCleaning ProductsFire Extinguishers Fluorescent Bulbs Gasoline Hobby Chemicals Lawn Treatments, including Herbicides & PesticidesCooking & Frying Oils Stains, & Varnishes Paint Rust Inhibitors Turpentine & Thinners Photographic & Pool Cleaners Plus other items with labels containing the words: WARNING, DANGER or CAUTIONImportant Reminders!Only those items listed above are accepted. Empty containers from paint and other items thatpreviously contained liquidsare not accepted and should be disposed of as trash.5'